Xendurance Europe Limited Logo

Xendurance Europe Limited

Xendurance Europe

Who is Xendurance Europe Limited?

Xendurance is a sports nutrition company that was started in the USA in 2006 when the formula, Xendurance (Extreme Endurance in the USA) was under development. The parent company, Xendurance LLC., is located in Arizona. Xendurance LLC's goal was to develop an all-natural, drug-free product, which would improve an athlete’s performance by improving both aerobic and lactate acid threshold. Xendurance also wanted to develop a formula that would safely reduce the “culprit” known as lactic acid. With that in mind, Xendurance LLC continuously expands the Xendurance product line of power-packed multi-vitamins, omega and joint formulas, protein and electrolyte drinks, with unique formulas backed by science. What distinguishes Xendurance from other sports nutrition companies is that the we showcase product, Xendurance, has a twp published, Gold-Standard, third party, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Xendurance was the first sports nutrition product made in the USA, to be certified drug-free by HFL; INFORMED SPORT, the World renown, sports doping laboratory. Xendurance continues to provide research and studies that prove their products.

This company is:


Oxford, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Xendurance Europe Limited

      Daily Foundation - Immune Boost, tampone di acido lattico, Omega + D3
 – Xendurance Europe image


Daily Foundation - Immune Boost, tampone di acido lattico, Omega + D3 – Xendurance Europe

Crea una pietra miliare di sane abitudini con il nostro Daily Foundation Bundle. Questo trio di prodotti Xendurance è una base sana per tutti, indipendentemente dall'età o dal livello di attività. Xendurance Lactic Acid Buffer, Immune Boost e Omega+D3 forniscono supporto immunitario, aiutano a promuovere la funzione cerebrale, la salute del cuore, la salute degli occhi

      Veganes mageres Eiweiß
 – Xendurance Europe image


Veganes mageres Eiweiß – Xendurance Europe

+ BESCHREIBUNG Unser veganes Protein ist ein kohlenhydratarmer, pflanzenbasierter All-in-One-Shake, den Sie zu jeder Tageszeit genießen können! Seine Nährstoffzusammensetzung ist sowohl komplex als auch umfassend und enthält Elemente einer nahrhaften Mahlzeit, die eine großartige Ergänzung zu einer ausgewogenen Ernährung ist. Mit 20 Gramm pflanzlichem Eiweiß und Bio-Grünzeug können Sie

      Collagen and Greens + Free Shaker
 – Xendurance Europe image


Collagen and Greens + Free Shaker – Xendurance Europe

Sports nutrition used by the best in the world across all sports. Clinically proven and certified Drug Free. Shop online now! Fast shipping. 24/7 Customer Support. Unmatched Quality.

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Contact of Xendurance Europe Limited

City: Oxford

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Xendurance Europe Limited

The company Xendurance Europe Limited is located in Oxford, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Xendurance Europe Limited has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Xendurance Europe Limited has it's main focus in the industries of Retail